Tag: Will

Importance of Estate Planning: “WHAT IF” ~ Wills

No one wants to think about the “what ifs”. Therefore, most people ignore them and do not plan ahead. Do NOT be one of those people when it comes to preparing your Last Will and Testament. Your eventual death is not a “what if” it is a when. Hopefully, it is a long time from now, but “what if” that is not the case. And even if it is, why not be prepared now?

Hopefully, it is a long time from now, but “what if” that is not the case. And even if it is, why not be prepared now?  A Last Will only comes into play after an individual passes away. A Will is NOT only for you, but also for your loved ones that you leave behind. What if, I get in an accident on the way home from work? Who will take care of my children?  If you have minor children or pets, a Will is a great way to ensure they are in good hands if you unexpectedly pass away. Naming a guardian is one of the most important things you can do as a parent.

A Will also allows you to more easily pass on your assets after your death to those you love. It is a legal document that is essential to any estate plan. A Last Will ensures that your children or other loved ones receive your real and personal property. It allows a legal means for your loved ones to more easily navigate the tricky law of Estates and Probate. Do not leave your loved ones unprepared upon your death, plan ahead and contact the Fort Wayne lawyers at Perry Law Office to help create a Will that meets your specific needs.